Mon 27 Jan
♥SUP£R H0tt D¥NAMiTE♥ ·.· R£AdyTo £XPl0DE! ·. *B00M B00M B@by!* {OC & Special} !UNEEDME! - 21
(Portland, pdx/ Vancouver oc)
😘Mz C@ndy🍭🍬 l@te night sp3cials!! coldest FREAKIEST Kinkiest 5star skilled lady on BP 💯💯***** - 24
(Cleveland, garfield warrensville shaker bedford)
STOP HERE _((_IM the 1 YOU WANT ))____NEW EXOTIC PICS?___Dont Pass Up - 20
(Portland, ask for late night special incall 24/7)
Start your week off right, let me show you how amazing Sunday - 19
(Portland, Portland outcall only)
NeW HeRe✨ 4"11 FuNSiZE PLaYMaTE 💟 _ LiMiTED EdiTiON✨ __SM0kiN' HOTTt 🔥___T!GHT & BRAND NEW🎁 - 19
(Cleveland, Beachwood incall)
SensualSarah built for comfort, not speed, eager to play! - 33
(City of San Diego, San Deigo, Mission Valley, Hotel Circle, San Diego)
CheCK HeR OuT!! SeXY & HoT B~L~O~N~D~E Pl@YM@tE W/ AmAzing Skills! Nice @zz & 38D's IM BACK!! - 32
(North Jersey, WAYNE)
** ( 2 ) **--> ( B )*( E )*( A )*( U )*(T)*( I )*( F)*( U )*( L )**( G )( I )( R )( L )( Z ) ! - 18
(Syracuse ny)
******Never Had A Brazilian Well U Can Today***** incall in newport 1 night only - 20
$80h $100hr NIKKI is sexy, hott & ready to completely satisfy you. i do what you want. 315~278~0496 - 26
(Syracuse, mattydale/ syracuse off 81n)
🐱Sariya🎊new here call me n🎉🎁🐱 713@322@7439 !!!🏪🏩 - 21
(Eastern NO, French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans, New Orleans west bank incalls, West Bank)
Ms.Candies - The Birthday Girl - Here To Please You 👄👅🐳💦SS Special Available Now - 25
(Cleveland, Incalls & Out calls Cleveland)
Hott! Sexiest new pics! Beautiful Babe who knws she will Rock ur world no doubts! Love to play! ski - 28
(Columbus, north east)
°*ஐ*° S E X Y *ஐ*° B L O N D E *ஐ*° P L A Y M A T E *ஐ*° - 38
(Arriving in Baton Rouge @ 1 pm)
NEW!! . 氟ҋ«$80/SPCS»* ☆NÂUGHT¥ ☆ExtreMely JUICY!! ☆R€ÂП TÕ §ÂTi§F¥ ☆UR ★CRAVINGS!! - 20 - 20
(Cleveland, INCALL CLEVELAND AREA!( St.Clair Area))
xoxo **DENVER'S FINEST*** xoxox Sexy * Erotic* Explosion of Coco .*** Im just the touch xoxo - 22
❇❇❤▒▒█❤█ ❤█▒ xXCINDY rEspectful GeNtS oNly plz! xXCINDY ❇❇▒█❤▒▒█❤█ ❤❇ - 19
(Los Angeles, ▒▒█LAX/El Seg/culver/❤ INcall/OUTcall██▒)
▓▓▓★▓★▓★▓▓▓MUST TRY▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓NURU MASSAE Real 20yrs old Asian girl=== CALL NO📲W - 22
(Lancaster, LINCOLN HWY E INCALL:646-269-7610)
Sexy » New » Ebony » Black China » Big Boobs » Big » Juicy » Booty » Beautiful » Chocalate » Skin - 22
(New Orleans, East)
SeXii> >$$>>> ExOtiC>>> $$ SuPeR hoT ^^^^miXed *** ChalDean anD LatinA - 26
(East SD County, el cajon city)
Sexy Callie 💦💋 Back in Town💦💋 Get me while YOU CAN🤑 - 23
(All areas, French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans)
▃▆▓▓★☆▓▓▆▃ ╰☆╮ You waⓃt ME ╰☆╮ & ╰☆╮ Nⓞ w you CaN haVe ME╰☆▃▆▓▓★☆▓▓▆▃╮ - 23
(Los Angeles, los angeles outcalls)
YOU can have your cake 🍰 an eat it "2 "👯 (SPECIALS) dessert anyone ? - 22
(Downtown, Inglewood near lax)
Seeking Friendly, Respectful, Honest Beings OUTCALL ONLY - 40
(San Diego, outcall only no hotel visits)
$80_100hr *** hot sexy kinky blonde that does it all *** sassy 315_450_3406 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse off 81north)
Nikki Mature Fun Beautiful Blonde Companion 267-231-1313 Discreet Private Residence - 40
(Philadelphia, northeast philadelphia incall or outcall)
★SASSY & SEXY★ •MiLiTARY Specials• ★7o Special★ •BiG Booty {DD34} REDhead• ★Give It To Me Good★ - 22
(North SD County, •♥• Rancho Bernardo i15 •♥•)
*★*——— SEXY ——— *★*——— BUSTY ——— *★*leaving 2morrow——— EBONY ——— *★*——— 36DD'S ——— *★*SPECIALS! - 21
(New Orleans, new orleans incalls&outcalls;)
💦💙😇______💎_______x EXoTiC LaTiNa BeAuTy X KinKy BomBShELL x______💎_______💦💙😇 - 22
(Aurora, Aurora Incalls /70freeway, Denver)
★ S U N D A Y ★ E A R L Y ★ B I R D ★ S P E C I A L S ★ - 29
(East SD County, 8 & 15 Frwys / Mission Gorge / SDSU)
"A Taste Of Louisiana" Gorgeous, Beautiful, Independent Ready Now Sasha(315)863-7766 - 28
(Syracuse, Syracuse N.Y)
*-*"- HoliDaY SwEEties..💋OuR Private AdUlt💋AFFaiRs..the fun begins here!⭐⭐ - 29
(Columbus, adult affairs 4 you only.)
•♥•You found the Best •♥• f orget the Rest !!! Best full body massage! •♥• We have a Date today - 19
(Los Angeles, RosemeadCovinaWalnut GlendoraSan DimasDi)
*-:¦:-* *¨¨**| Y O U R_ D R E A M_ASAIN/WHITE_ C O M E _ T R U E! **:*-:¦:-* --- - 22
(LOS ANGELES BY THE LAX. 9497489975)
♡·● Satisfaction ·○♥ Garenteed ♡You'll Love Me Incall/OUTCALL Special. - 18
(South SD County, Chula vista & Surrounding Areas)
San Diego's Best Kept Secret-What's Your Fantasy? Come Escape your World of Stress! OUTCALL- INCALL - 24
(East SD County, San Diego/LA MESA. -I'm Hosting-INCALL)
♥ «—— NEW CUTIE —— ♥ With A ROUND BOOTY ♥ ツ Outcalls ♡ ( AVAILABLE NOW ) ♡ - 22
(Pittsburgh, pgh OUTCALL)
Super Fit SEXY Brunette@@@@@Nuru, Prostatic,Body to Body Massage The best Body rubs in town !!!! - 29
(Las Vegas, NorthWest, Raimbow)
×°x°× [×°x°× soOoOo NaSTy! ×°x°×] EXOTiC PLAYMATE [×°x°× Armenian & White ×°x°×] - 20
LOoK No FuRtHeR PrEtTy BrOwN sKiN WiTh ThE bEsT BoDy In ToWn 60$ SpECIaL - 22
(Philadelphia, Springfield/delco)
♥____ S U P E R _____ **♥** _____ H O T T ____♥ - 21
(Chula Vista)
▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃☆° $$pecials ☆° ❤ FLiGHT to ✈ ( ¯`SATiSFACTiON ° •´¯ ) ✈ Boarding NOW ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ - 44
(New Orleans, Westbank/ HARVEY)
Sexy babydoll here for your desires! lets make fantasy reality! - 25
(New Orleans, in and out calls)
YES!! YES!! YES!! oOoOoOo - 21
(Los Angeles, STUDIO CITY In/Out)
Migic Hand ✅ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✅NURU Massage✅ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬💚_SWEET ASIAN 💚▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✅ No.1 Service✅ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 22
(Harrisburg, New Cumberland, Harriburg , commerce dr)