Mon 27 Jan
Smoking Hot, Exotic, and Very Addictive
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff, hotel room)
==•••► •SO• P E R F E C T___ ( *M A N * P L E A S E R* )_◄•• ===DONT••MiSS OUT!! 100KiSs *SpEcIaLs* - 22
(Omaha, Off 90th and Dodge St Mid Omaha)
💋AMBER💋 🔥Brand 🆕🔥 🌟No Restrictions🌟 💣Will BL💥W Your Mind‼💣 💯% REAL 💎VIP TREATMENT💎 - 23 - 23
(Brantford, Brantford-Woodstock)
☆•_T H€_P € R F € C T_ •☆•_C H O i C € ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Caramel L♥vers' #1 Pick ⎷ ⎛ Available NOW! - - 23
sick of games & shady places? *100* specials. Voluptuous, fair skin, big red lips - 25
(Omaha, INCALL! Midtown)
(Sexy Red) Alyssa.. ~ $100 SPECIAL!!! UP ALL NIGHT ! 402-637-1747 - 25
(Omaha, Omaha and Surrounding Cities)
......SEXI, AN READY TO PLAY...... Give me a call ill be waiting ALLNIGHT!! - 20
(Portland, stark an 82)
Sexy and Curvy $100 Specials!!! Sexy****Alyssa No Texting!!! 402-637-1747 - 23
(Omaha, Omaha and Surrounding Cities)
Fun, Sweet, Wild Filipina Beauty & I Love what I DO (out calls) - 26
(East Bay, San Francisco, East Bay, South Bay Area)
*** SEXY European w/a BANGiN' Body AvAilAble 24/7 *** - 21
(Portland, se portland incall /outcalls everywhere)
~*~Sweet and Petite, a professional treat!~*~ Let's have some fun, and let's be discreet- - 21
(Omaha, Call with any questions!)
Available Day or Night.. BoOk NoW...... CLaSsY BruNetTe Mature Gents ONLY - 25
(Tulsa, Tulsa OUTCALLS)
"Sexy***Candice Wants To Play & Have Some Fun 2nite*****Who's Playing w/ Me - 30
(Omaha/Council Bluffs)
2 HR SpeCiaL! ReAdY For U NoW! Fun and ReLaxeD... Truth 918-277-4578 - 39
(Tulsa, Tulsa and surrounding areas)
S e x y E B O N Y C a r a me l C o l l e g e S t u d e n t Incall 100/150/200 100% Real Pics!! - 20
(Near Creighton)
THE 💥💫___ BEST ✨💥🌟_____ IS 💫💥🌟_______ HERE 💫💥✨_____ FOR YOU 🌟💥✨____ Omaha Outcalls Only - 28
(Omaha, ——————24/Hr——OUTCALLS——402—289—7559————)
Tee time boys you ready to show me how good you are at handling that big iron of yours? - 48
Extremely Tasty.. I'm Young Wild & Ready 2 Fullfill All Of Your Desires - 23
(East Bay, Oakland Incalls/Embarcadero)
(¯`•❤❤•´¯) SEDUCTIVE BEAUTY• ❤ToP NoTcH❤• Specials ❤• Available Now (¯`•❤❤•´¯) - 22
(Omaha, Incall Only)
***RUSSIAN ***** True $*Q*U*I*R*T*E*R **** LIMITED TIME!!!! **** 100% real pics ***100 HHR special** - 21
(in/out 247)
Sweet!! C' H' O' C' O' L' E' T' E "Ty" jst the Treat 4 U! EarlyBird Special Available Now - 31
STOP!!!! CALL!!!! COME OVER!!!! Have FUN!!!! THATS IT!!!!New Specials! - 26
(Omaha, Omaha and Nearby areas)
🚙 💨💨💨 _____________ Stressed? Allow me to help! Pamela Prestige _______ 🚙 💨💨💨 - 24
(Omaha, O🔥U🔥T🔥C🔥A🔥L🔥L 🚙 💨 O🔥N🔥L🔥Y)
5 star provider- Let me make you happy- Real Pics, New in town!
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa)
gfe specials $*$*$*$* SeXy YoUnG BuStY EbOnY DoLl JuIcY HoY N ReAdy $*$*$*$ gfe specials - 21
(OMAHA {in/out})